Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jack is Back!

Well, Jack is back from his nine-day mission trip with St. Ambrose Catholic Church of Woodbury. Their group of teenagers went to the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana to work with the community. They did some really extensive, hard labor in the neighborhoods there - cleaning, painting and repairing... and lots of interaction with the kids. Jack was known for his piggy back rides with the little kids... he gave lots of them every day!

They got to see some beautiful parts of the country along the way, including the Badlands of South Dakota and Mount Rushmore...
We will post more when Jack writes his "report"... but by far the highlight for Mom and Dad was when one of the parents on the trip took us aside, unsolicited, and said that he had never seen any teenager with the work ethic that Jack has. He was the example that everyone had to keep up with when it came to hard work and lots of it... we are very proud of our Jack!!!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Aw, you should be proud! Jack's a great kid! So responsible!! Great job, guys!