Saturday, June 12, 2010

New York City!

We spent a few wonderful days and nights in the Big Apple - just the two of us! I had to give a presentation on our company's R&D projects at the Medical Device and Manufacturing - East show on Manhattan, so Laura came along, too! She was last there as a midshipman on a YP Cruise from the Naval Academy... and I was last there for just a day, to board the SS United States when I was 7!

Times Square is a menagerie of people, stores and messages... here is one about Iran's president that we can all agree with!

This is the new High Line in the Lower West Side... the High Line is a re-purposed railway that runs for a long ways from north to south, 3o feet above the NYC streets - with gardens, benches and places to sun bathe!

The highlight of our visit was a show on Broadway... we were able to get great same-day discount tickets to Billy Elliott - what an awesome show!

Laura went to see the exhibits at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and walk the Garment District, Rockefeller Center, and many other Manhattan neighborhoods.

We made it to "Ground Zero" to pay our respects, and to see the progress being made on the memorial to 9/11. It is hard to see much of anything, but one really gets a sense for how much work is going into the project that will be complete by 2014.

Here we are on our last day, in Central Park near the "Boat House" restaurant. We took a rickshaw ride throught he park, with our young guide TJ, from Tajikistan.

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