Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day in Minnesota

Today we went to the St. Mary's Cemetery in St. Anthony for the Memorial Day service that honors those Veterans from the Russian Orthodox Church who died in service to their nation. That distinguished group includes Grandma Mary's brother Martin Kostik, who was killed in combat in Germany not long after the Normandy invasion.

It was a very moving dedication outdoors on a beautiful day, complete with honor guard, rifle squad, a guest speaker who was a POW in WWII Germany, and beautiful music. Afterwards there was a reception at the church where we displayed the scrapbook that Laura just finished putting together, honoring her uncle that we never had the privilege to know, Martin Kostik.

What we do know is that those who served and gave their lives for our freedoms have given us the ability to enjoy spectacular days like we had today. The afternoon was spent on the boat and at "the point" on White Bear Lake!

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