Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Luke Flies an Aerial Tanker!

Luke skipped some school this morning in order to fly the Boeing corporation's Next Generation aerial refueling aircraft... well - a simulator, anyway. Boeing trucked in a trailer to the State Capitol as part of its effort to get the U.S. Air Force to reverse its decision to buy a foreign aircaft (Airbus Industries) to fulfill the role of aerial refueling for the next generation. The contract is currently in dispute.

What was NOT in dispute was Luke's ability to fly a 767 jet for the very first time - must be all of those video games! He took off from a runway on an Air Force base and returned safely to the ground!

Here, Luke is wearing 3-D glasses as the Air Force Reserve instructor (and Boeing employee) shows him how to operate the boom that "flies" to the aicraft approaching the tanker from the rear to take on fuel. He mastered this part easily, and ended up re-fueling an F-15, a Joint Strike Fighter and a Stealth Bomber!

All Dad did was raise and lower the landing gear for the "captain" (it's not that helicopter pilots can't handle it... we're just lazy).

Learn more about the Boeing NextGen Tanker HERE.

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