Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Red Bulls Return!

The "Red Bulls" of the 34th Infantry Division, Minnesota National Guard, have returned from Iraq after a year in the combat zone. The Red Bulls, which became renowned in World War II, were the command and control division for Ground Forces, South, Iraq, and just last month passed the flag to the Army's 1st Infantry Division. Their successful tour was celebrated at the official return ceremony at the Minneapolis Convention Center this afternoon.

Luke and his Dad went to the reception and met just a few of the VIPs, including: Senator Al Franken and his wife; the Mayor of St. Paul, Chris Coleman; TV anchor Don Shelby; and the Commanding General of the Minnesota National Guard... Luke was most interested in the Deputy CG of the 34th, Brigadier General Dave Elicerio, who said to Luke: "Tanks... heck yeah, we have tanks young man... I own them. Come on up to Camp Ripley anytime and I'll get you into a few!" Luke plans on holding him to it.

It was a fantastic tribute to the men and women who brought security to the southern half of Iraq for the past year, and helped to build infrastructure and democratic institutions. If this young democracy survives, Minnesota citizen-Soldiers will have been a large part of their success... how great is that!

The ceremony included a flag presentation, the playing of Taps for the 14 who were killed in action during the deployment, and a special performance by the Minnesota band GB Leighton, in their honor.

Learn more about the 34th Infantry Division HERE...

... and see the awesome 4 minute rock video "Troop" featuring the Red Bulls HERE!

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