Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Malta Re-visited II

More memories from Malta - 1977 - 1979... here is the entire family at our Malta-shaped pool in our beautiful back yard of the Ambassador's residence. The silver spoon was truly yanked out of our mouths after we left this little paradise!

Here are the Laingen brothers at the Marina where we kept our boat, in Marxamxett Harbor, "around the bend" from the historic Grand Harbor of Malta.

And here are the three dudes at the Malta International Airport. We used to go there just to check out the planes - both commercial and military; for this was still a British colony until 1979, and the Royal Air Force was there with Nimrod patrol aircraft and Canberra light fighter-bombers.

Stylin' in front of the limo... (Starsky and Hutch?)

This is at the U.S. Embassy in Valetta, during the visit of U.S. Ambassador Andrew Young (L-R: Will Wilson, Mike Radday, Jim Laingen, Ambassador Young, Chip Laingen, Tom Jellison, Jim Wilson). Note the cool Catholic school uniforms from De Le Salle...

Ambassador Laingen in front of the "tank" - so named after it was bullet-proofed in 1978.

This is our afore-mentioned "back yard..." Note the grove of orange trees that provided fresh-squeezed orange juice on most mornings. Why did we leave?

1 comment:

Charles Robertson said...

I certainly remember the parties there and your Dad giving us hell afterwards.