Saturday, April 19, 2008

Key West Vacation!

OK, so I'm new to the blogging thing, and I just realized that the latest entries appear at the top... so as I'm continuing the Key West story, the first-time reader will see this last entry about our vacation first. Here are the kids at the miniature golf course in Marathon Key (they are holding the pin that represents their age). We rushed through 18 holes and had lunch - right next to another family from Duluth of all places.

The sailboat photo is our Hobie-18 rental on Smathers Beach... it was incredibly windy that day, with squalls just offshore and the waves were pretty high - so we couldn't come about through the wind, but had to 'jibe" every time.
Coming home to cold weather was tough... so what would a blog be without some political blogging anyway (espcially considering the author)? My first thought when stepping off the plane into 30-degree weather in April was, where's Al Gore now?

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