Friday, April 18, 2008

Duval Street in Key West was, to put it mildly, a freak show most of the time. It was "borderline" for the kids, occasionally, but we weren't really there much past 9:00 pm when things get a little crazy. There were a lot of tourist things to do, so we all got "passports" on base and saw quite a few of them: the Truman White House, a shipwreck museum, the aquarium, a butterfly house, the southernmost point in the U.S., and the Hemingway House - where Libby was very happy to see the famous six-toed cats!

Luke's favorite outing was to the WWII era Coast Guard ship museum, where he saw some big guns! He was always eager to point them out with that evil grin on his face...

All in all, it was a very relaxing vacation. We thought we would come back to the beginnings of a warm spring in the Twin Cities... but in fact it snowed, and was in the 30s. We've been spoiled for several years, so I guess it's time to get back to average temperatures.

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