Wednesday, August 20, 2008

LBL in the News!

Dad was in the Twin Cities after the 42nd annual Threshing Bee, and he spent a beautiful evening with us in the boat on White Bear Lake. When we docked for dinner, we went in to a local pizza place - where we saw L. Bruce on the local news on a TV in the corner. The cashier looked at the TV, and then him... and she looked like she was seeing a fugitive on the news! On Monday evening, we had a nice reception at our house with about 2o friends, including the commanding officer from our commissioning in 1983 (Captain Doug Menikheim) - where Dad was the commissioning speaker. We spent Tuesday visiting the Minnesota Historical Society, where Dad donated some things from the Hostage Crisis days of 1979-1981. You can see some local coverage of his visit to the state HERE. Lots of people we know heard his hour-long interview on Minnesota Public Radio, and truly enjoyed it!

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