Saturday, August 30, 2008

Jack Sails a C-Scow

Jack and his friend Kanad went out on Bald Eagle Lake on Saturday morning, on my friend Ricardo's "C-Scow." The C class is a 20-foot cat rigged boat, similar to the 38-foot A-Scows that I sailed earlier this summer on White Bear Lake.
Our boat was in the shop this weekend... so this was the next best thing!

This is a really fast boat, even in light winds, thanks to its large, flat sail, and very shallow draft, that lessons the drag.

Jack and Kanad really showed their skills learned in sailing camp this summer, as they raced against a few other boats of the same class in 15 knot winds.
You can learn more about the century old C-Scow class boats, popular in the Midwest, HERE.

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