Sunday, March 9, 2014


The Anglo-philes have arrived!  It's absolutely a beautiful spring in London:  68 and sunny every day, and it looks similar for Paris.  Jack arrived safely from Scotland, and we've been quite the tourists for a couple of days - a tour of the city by open-air double decker bus, a spin on the London Eye at night, an exclusive late-night "Keys Ceremony" at the Tower of London, meeting up with and old Malta friend and her family, great English beer at local pubs and so much more!  Our rented flat is in a perfect location, right near the excitement of Picadilly and shopping on Regent Street, and close to fun, local restaurants and pubs.  Oh - and we already managed a leisurely river cruise up the Thames to Greenwich, where the Naval Museum had a 15-foot Enterprise sailboat right in the main entrance - just like what we sailed in Malta in 1977!  This is such a fun, high-energy city.  We are having a marvelous time!

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