Saturday, October 2, 2010

Luke is 10 Years Old!

Wow! It is hard to believe, but our youngest is now in the double digits! Luke turned 10 on Saturday, and he and his friends - Ethan, Jose and Grayden (and big brother Jack) went to the Minnesota Air National Guard Museum on the air base for a party!

Their tour guide was Stan, a naval aviator and combat-tested pilot from the Korean War - he flew the awesome Skyraider. Stan showed the kids some incredible aircraft, and told some really interesting stories about aviation!

The kids even tried on some old helmets from World War I and World War II! As they were sitting in the C-130 cockpit, they saw a jumbo jet taking off on the Twin Cities International airport's runway, bound for Narita, Japan.

The afternoon ended up at Fudrucker's for some awesome burgers and root beer... then it was home for cake and a movie!

Brother and Sister were down with Luke turning 10, too!

Happy Birthday, Lucas!!! We are very proud of you!

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