Saturday, June 27, 2009


Today we decided to leave the boat in the garage and go above the lake, rather than on it... Part of "Manitou Days" at the City of White Bear Lake included a mini-air show and display at Benson's Airport, a tiny grass strip next to the lake. There was hardly anyone there, and the pilots were offering free rides to kids in the old Pipers and Cessnas!

The 20-minute flights were awesome! Jack got to sit up front and get some stick time in his airplane. Libby's pilot made sure they saw some deer from the air. And Luke wasn't sure he wanted to go at first, but got up the courage, and ended up having a great time! Dad, meanwhile, couldn't find anyone to give him a helicopter ride...
Here is an aerial view of White Bear Lake. Not a bad free activity for a Saturday morning! They each received a "Young Eagles Certificate" from the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), and their names have been permanently entered in the "World's Largest Logbook" at the EAA AirVenture Museum in Oshkosh Wisconsin. Click HERE to learn about the museum.

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