Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ahhhh Italia!!!

Well, we feel like we earned it! 25 years of marriage (almost 30 years together!) and 3 kids... we had a wonderful 2nd honeymoon in Italy. 3 days in Rome, 5 days in Tuscany and 2 days in Venice. The weather was perfect the entire time - 70 degrees and sunny - and we balanced seeing the obvious sights (like the Borghese Gallery, and the Colosseum, below) with relaxing in the way that Italians do so well.

Our little apartment in the heart of Rome was perfect... just a block from beautiful Piazza Navona, the happening square in the center of the capital. We were only a little scared when the earthquake hit the country, just to the east of Rome. Our room was rocking like we were on a ship, and our chandelier was swaying for a long time!

Here, Laura is throwing a coin (1 Euro, or $1.33) over her shoulder, into the famous Trevi Fountain... that means that she will some day return to Rome... as I did after throwing a Secretary of the Navy coin in the fountain in 1999!

The St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican was amazing... not sure why, but we were both surprised to find the tomb of St. Peter right inside the church. There were lots of people in Rome and the Vatican during Holy Week, but not as many as there are just a few weeks later in late April. Our timing was great.

We rented a car and headed north after our little shake up in Rome. This is the view from the town of San Gimignano, just north of Siena in Toscana (Tuscany). It was the perfect town to stay in, because it is not as touristy as the more famous ones, yet we were within short drives of Florence and other sights. Our "agriturismo" (bed and breakfast) is behind us, and had the view (below) up at San Gimignano.

Our little Fiat Panda took us all over, including a fascinating day in the crowded city of Florence,
where we visited the Uffizi Galleria, and the Accademia - to see Michelangeo's 'David,' and countless works of Renaissance art. We also met up with Maria Manetti Farrow, a native Florentian whom I had met on the Dubai trip. She showed us her beautiful, modern apartment in a renovated grand palace, had Chianti in the palace's private bar, and went to dinner with her American boyfriend, a retired Army special forces sergeant major. We had the best meal we have ever had (really), and watched as the restaurant owner fawned over Ms. Manetti. We're not sure, but we think she is genuine Italian royalty.
Finally, we made our way to Venezia (Venice)! This place is absurd, and beautiful. It is like a 2,000 year old Disneyland. We had a great hotel again, this time a 10-room place right on the Grand Canal. We had the special room, #8, which included a tiny breakfast and reading area overlooking the canal.

We toured the Doge's Palace, St. Mark's Square and went to Murano to see where so much of Italy's glassware is made. And - of course - we had lots of Italian meals. Although smoking is no longer allowed in restaurants, even in Italy, the amount of smokers in this congested city was amazing, and in the crowded city streets it was very noticeable. We didn't do a gondola ride, but our private, high-speed, sunrise water taxi to the airport on our last morning was really something!

It was the trip of a lifetime... It is also nice to get back home again, and realize how blessed we are to live in this great country. Thanks to everyone who helped out so much with the kids... we are very grateful!!!

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