Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Cold North!

Merry Christmas, everyone! We most certainly are having a white Christmas this year, along with frigid temperatures! But the forecast is for mid 30s, so we can go skiing later this week. Yay! We went to Christmas Eve mass at our crowded church, then went off to Mark's apartment for the big Jaszewski family party - almost everyone was there, and we had a great time in the pool, and having an incredible feast!

Luke tried, as usual, to get a beer at the bar - his Uncle Bill was happy to oblige... I think the drinking age in England is lower than it is here... so what does he know?

Luke declared that it was the "best day ever" on Christmas Day, since Santa was inexplicably good to him. He got into the Christmas spirit with, what else... guns! Oh dear...

Libby was thrilled to get new cowboy boots - now if she just had a horse to go with them!
Thanks to everyone for their wonderful, generous gifts this year!

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