Friday, September 26, 2008

"Segway to Freedom!"

The Defense Alliance held its quarterly membership meeting - "Segway to Freedom" - in a unique way this week... we met at St. Anthony Main to ride the Minneapolis Riverfront on Segways! 25 of us risked life and limb for a couple of hours at dusk, before retiring to a nearby bar. There, we had a terrific brief from a Minnesota National Guard lieutenant colonel who has been involved with nation-building efforts in Iraq - a very good news story that one would never read in the American press. After that, I introduced our surprise guest to cap the evening, Senator John McCain! The presidential candidate (really Pat Lawton's Dad, who is his virtual clone) spoke to us about the important of the defense industry, before he took a phone call from Barack Obama about the debates, and then had to leave abruptly. It was a very enjoyable evening. Read more about Segways and how they work HERE

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