Saturday, September 27, 2008

The "Destroyers" - Luke Plays Flag Football

Luke is playing flag football this year. His team is the "Destroyers," which is appropriate because they are destroying the competition. Today he played quarterback very well, and won a silver star from the coach for his excellent defense "tackles."

Libby's First Dance

Libby went to her first dance on Thursday night, at Lake Junior High School (which is now grades 6 through 9). Here she is with her friend Marissa before the big dance!

Friday, September 26, 2008

"Segway to Freedom!"

The Defense Alliance held its quarterly membership meeting - "Segway to Freedom" - in a unique way this week... we met at St. Anthony Main to ride the Minneapolis Riverfront on Segways! 25 of us risked life and limb for a couple of hours at dusk, before retiring to a nearby bar. There, we had a terrific brief from a Minnesota National Guard lieutenant colonel who has been involved with nation-building efforts in Iraq - a very good news story that one would never read in the American press. After that, I introduced our surprise guest to cap the evening, Senator John McCain! The presidential candidate (really Pat Lawton's Dad, who is his virtual clone) spoke to us about the important of the defense industry, before he took a phone call from Barack Obama about the debates, and then had to leave abruptly. It was a very enjoyable evening. Read more about Segways and how they work HERE

Friday, September 19, 2008

McCain-Palin Rally!

Well, I couldn't resist... The Republican candidates made a very brief stop in the Twin Cities today at noon. The "McCain-Palin Rally" was held at the Anoka-Blaine Regional Airport, in a hangar. The acoustics were awful, and the candidates were a blip in the distance, but it was a fun environment. Some Obama supporters were there sporting "Real Change" signs (one inexplicably dressed as a cat), and there was also a "Minnesota Hockey Moms Don't Lie" sign - not sure what that was about. All in all, it was a fun 45 minutes with a frenzied crowd!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back to School!

School began again on Tuesday! There was a big gathering in our cul-de-sac of about a dozen kids going off to Liberty Ridge Elementary, a block away. Luke is there (2nd grade) without any siblings this time around. Libby (6th grade) has moved on to Lake Junior High, where Jack is also for another year (9th grade). Next year, Jack will be in the still-building East Ridge High School as one of its first students. East Ridge will only have 10th and 11th graders for its first year.
Here, Luke expresses his concern with being followed to school by... GIRLS! Well, they don't seem to mind!