Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day weekend

It's Memorial Day weekend, and we're still waiting for this place to warm up! Our boating plans are once again on hold... but Jack the lawn-mowing entrepreneur managed to get a couple of customers taken care of - here he is with his very own machine, purchased from last year's profits.

On Luke's part, he was surprised to find his middle name in stone - at the Russian Ortohdox cemetery in St. Anthony. Martin Kostik was Luke's Grandmother Mary's brother, who was killed in action in World War II, in Normandy.
We attended the cemetery's annual Memorial Day program for the church's Veterans lost in America's conflicts since World War I. It was a very nice, moving ceremony, complete with an honor guard firing a salute, a bugler playing Taps, a young Marine giving a keynote speech, and a Russian Orthodox priest to bless the proceedings.

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