Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Grand D.C. Visit

I had a nice visit with Mom, Dad & Jim in D.C. this week.  It was a meeting for the seven Small Business Administration's technology clusters, including the one I run in the Twin Cities.  Check out the bus's destination in Chinatown.  The last couple of photos are at the hotel - the Monaco, D.C., formerly the original U.S. Post Office.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Jack Goes to Aberdeen, Scotland!

Jack and Chip went to Aberdeen Scotland this weekend… where Jack will be until June 15th, studying at the University of Aberdeen.  We got him set up in his dorm, walked for miles and miles in the old, granite streets of the city, experienced the cold winds of the northern UK highlands, checked out the school, met lots of students from all around the world, toured a maritime museum, saw lots of helicopters going out to the oil rigs round the clock, and had some great meals and local brews in the pubs of this old city.  Good luck this semester, Jack!

Winter Carnival!

Well, it's a hundred below zero, so we might as well celebrate winter.  It's the 2014 St. Paul Winter Carnival!