Saturday, March 23, 2013

One Last Ski Day!

It's not Big Sky, Montana, but Afton Alps is a nice ski outing too, on a mid-30s early spring day in Minnesota!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Break 2013!

Luke went off to Big Sky Resort in Montana for a ski vacation with his friend Andrew!  It was a really long drive - 16 hours! - but it was worth it.  That's Luke on the far left, at 11,000 feet.

Meanwhile, we went to Chicago.  I had a work trip there, so Laura, Libby and her friend Kristy came along.  We stayed at a cool hotel right downtown on the river.

There weren't any taxis after the show on Navy Pier, so a limo driver took us back to the hotel!

 Is that President Obama with a french loaf... or is he just happy to see me??!

Our hotel rooms had some fun window boxes, looking down on the Chicago River.

A fun night out to see Julius Caesar at the Shakespeare Theatre on Navy Pier!