Sunday, January 27, 2013

Crashed Ice!

The Red Bull "Crashed Ice" came to St. Paul this weekend.  The event is the Ice Cross Downhill World Championship, where skaters careen down a 400 meter course of ice, right in front of the lit-up Cathedral of St. Paul.  People came from all over the world to compete.  The highlight for us had to be the Uff Da dancers - see their photo and brief video, below!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Luke Excels!

Luke received 100% on a school project this week!  It was a presentation and display board about his current life plans to attend West Point and become a career Army officer.  He did an oral presentation with his board in front of a panel of really impressed teachers.  Even more impressed were his parents, who watched him work on this with NO help at all - doing in-depth research, writing, and creating a display that was really extensive and interesting.  Way to go, Luke!