Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rocket Boys!

Ethan, Grayden and Jack joined Luke for an outing to celebrate his 11th birthday. We went all the way up to North Branch, Minnesota, to see a rocket launching event! There were the normal Estes brand rockets (that we used to launch in Afghanistan, and on the farm, as kids!), larger "M" class rockets that were 12 feet tall - and even a "Spider" rocket. The kids were able to launch their own, and even had their names announced as their own space vehicles left the launch pad!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Luke is Eleven!

Luke turned 11 today! He had a great day, visiting Minnehaha Falls and renting some crazy bikes to roll along the Mississippi! We got a little lost thanks to some poor navigation by Mom and Dad, but a stop at Dairy Queen made that a distant memory. He got a "Ripstik" and some other great gifts from the family!

It was a beautiful fall day - almost 80 degrees and not a cloud in the sky... truly an Indian Summer!

...and on Saturday, Luke joined us on a drive to Western Wisconsin and the Rum River Valley, to see the fall colors at their peak. We stopped at Vino in the Valley... can't say much for Wisconsin wine, but a wagon ride through the vineyard pulled by two Belgian horses, and a wine (and root beer) in the garden made for a beautiful day!