Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jack Letters in Varsity Sports!

We are very proud of Jack - once again! Last night was the annual soccer banquet at Tinucci's Restaurant in Newport, at which the East Ridge High School soccer program recognized its stellar atheltes and scolars. Jack received 4 awards!

  • Most Valuable Player - Junior Varsity Soccer

Varsity Letter - Soccer

"Hidden Hero" Award - from his teammates

Scholar's Award - for maintaining a 4.0 GPA while in a varsity sport

Jack was on the Junior Varsity team, officially - but was continuously called up to play in at least half of the Varsity games... his "Hidden Hero" award was recognition from the Varsity squad for all of his great saves as goalie during some pretty challenging games... great job, Jack - you can add the soccer letter to your academic letter!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Spooky Kids!

It's Halloween time around Stonemill Farms... and the kids are getting spookier than they usually are!

That would be Libby on the far right... some sort of vampire-lion-bad jacket thing. Who knows?

And here are Luke and his friends - the far left and right are stuffed, I think - Grayden the banana, Luke the Army sniper in his Ghillie Suit (look it up), and Jose the bandito, or something...