Sunday, August 29, 2010

Destroyers Attack!

U-10 Soccer is underway in Woodbury, Minnesota! Luke Laingen was goalie for most of game one, helping the "Destroyers" of the Woodbury Soccer Club win over the Pickles.

Here, Luke's good friend Jose Varela (left, front) helps advance the ball to yet another goal, making the Pickles... well... pickle juice after their thrashing by the Destroyers!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sandstone Olympics 2010!

The 2nd annual Sandstone Olympics took place this last weekend in Woodbury! Nearly 60 kids competed as athletes in the traditional summer Olympic events - high jump, long jump, running long jump, softball throw, "marathon" (around the block) and the 50-yard dash.

11 of Woodbury's finest teens also took place as judges and team leaders for the athletes. Jack and Libby were among the judges, who did an amazing job of encouraging their kids, demonstrating sportsmanship and recording their scores.

This year we expanded the Olympics to include two more streets, and we even had a couple of sponsors - chips from PepsiCo, and some gift cards from a local coffee shop! Our dreams of a band didn't materialize from lack of sponsor funds - but next year we are counting on it!

Lots of the neighbors pitched in this year with food and ice runs, beer for the adults, equipment for the different events and registration needs! The 50+ adults that showed up had a great time... and we even had a visit from a local resident running for state legislature!

The weather was spectacular... nice and warm, but no humidity. The two to four year olds competed too... with an obstacle course, bike races, water balloon toss and some other fun events.

What a great afternoon of athletic effort, sportsmanship and camaraderie... Thanks to everyone who pitched in and competed.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sailing on Lake Pepin!

Vern's neighbor, John, took the boys out on Lake Pepin today, for a beautiful day on the water. The boat is a 27-foot sloop that is moored right on the lake, at Lake City, Minnesota. Jack and Luke manned the helm in light winds, and our host John served up a delicious lunch!

Lake Pepin is actually a very wide area of the Mississippi River, just south of Red Wing, Minnesota.

Nevada Laingens' Visit

Jim and Hope, and Will, Bonnie and Chris paid us a fun visit this weekend - on their way from Nevada to Virginia! They are moving to the D.C. area for thier next big adventure, as Jim does his next tour in the Pentagon.

We spent Saturday on White Bear Lake! The kids went tubing, and Will got up on water skis for the first time - with some expert in-water instruction from Luke. And we took in some amazing sunshine on "the point."

We had s'mores on the patio before we had to say goodbye! Good luck Jim, Hope and family!