Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Air Force? In THIS family?!

Wow... look at this handsome devil. Jackson Knight Laingen is now a cadet in the East Ridge High School Air Force Junior ROTC program... There are only a few kids in the program, since it's a new school, and he really seems to enjoy it. It is basically a civics course, but has a military feel to it, with a retired lieutenant colonel and sergeant major who do the teaching. There is also some PT (physical training) involved.

Mom and Dad didn't even know he had signed up for it! The uniform is not quite dark blue enough for Dad, but we are very proud of Cadet Laingen!

The Air Force Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps mission is to "Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community." Learn more about the AFJROTC program HERE.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Luke's 9th Birthday...

Afton Apple!

Fall is here... or it's here again, for a day or two. We took the opportunity during beautiful weather to visit the Afton Apple orchard on Saturday afternoon. The pumpkin patch was huge, and the apples - too many varieties to count - were everywhere.

Luke especially enjoyed the large playground and the hay bale fort.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Winter??? Now??!

Yikes! After a short, cool summer, we had three inches of snow on October 12! The boat hasn't even been winterized yet... in fact, it's not even winter yet. The recruiter never mentioned this deal! Oh well, this just means we are going to have an early thaw next year...


Holly the cat is not amused!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Luke is... NINE!

It is hard to believe, we know, but Lucas Kostik Laingen turned 9 years old on October 2nd! This new millennium kid is an amazing one, to say the least... he is all boy, and is making the most of life, every day! Dad was home for the first time in about 5 years (normally he's at the Army 10-miler in D.C.), so Luke was happy about that... Here he is with his new quarters collection from his D.C. grandparents... and together with his best friends, Jose and Grayden - the "Three Amigos!"

Video Teleconference With Iraq!

The Defense Alliance of Minnesota had its 6th annual "Defense Industry Roundtable" on Monday morning, September 28th, at Lockheed Martin in Eagan, Minnesota. We attracted 225 people this time, and 15 exhibitors. The highlight of the day, however, was the live videoteleconference (VTC) we put together with our Soldiers in Iraq! We were joined by Major General Richard Nash, Commander, Ground Forces South, and Commander, 34th Infantry Division, Minnesota National Guard. Despite the 3-second delay, it was a real honor to connect with our Soldiers on the ground, "getting it done!" Read more about it HERE.

Is Summer Over?!

Over? Absolutely not... Our brief summer may be over on the calendar, and the temperatures may have been below normal most of the year (um... global warming... really?), but we are confident that an "Indian Summer" is coming our way!

Olivia says we have "this much more" left of the boating season!