Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sandstone Olympics!

We started a new tradition at Sandstone Place on Friday night. Nearly 50 kids came to the neighborhood for the Sandstone Olympics! Jack and Libby were among the 7 judges who coached the young athletes (in 4 age groups) to Gold, Silver and Bronze medals...

The weather really cooperated, and the parents stayed on the "Island" (for the most part) to eat and drink, and to watch their kids participate in the six main events - High Jump, Long Jump, Running Long Jump, Softball Throw, "Marathon" (once around the block) and 50-Yard Dash.
Below, Gramps hangs with George Yoshida and his son, Ryan (one of the teen-age judges).

There was a traditional awards ceremony later in the evening, on the new awards platform that a neighbor built for the Olympics! The 3 older age groups received some serious "bling" for their efforts, and the young kids benefited from the colorful medals that Grandma Penne sent from D.C. Above, Luke races against his good friends Grayden and Jose in the 50-Yard Dash.

Charlotte Sparks, representing the U.S., the U.K. (and the "poor" side of Woodbury) took several medals at the Sandstone Olympics (below)!

Judge Libby organized the Bike Races around the Island, and the really impressive Obstacle Course for the younger age group (2-3-4) in the Varela's back yard. Next year... sponsors!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Taco Tuesday!

It's summer on the St. Croix river... and that means Taco Tuesdays at Enrique's in Prescott, Wisconsin! Just a 15 minute car ride, then a 15 minute boat ride, and we're at Prescott's city dock, where we mingle with the biker and boater crowd. Tacos are only $1.25!

Libby brought along Taylor, one of her best friends, who turned 12 today. Luke and Jack came two, and pretty much ignored the girls...

Libby, of course, had to ski all the way to Prescott to work up an appetite. She loves it, and begs to go every chance she can. The last photo pretty much sums up what she looks like afterwards!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cash for Clunkers... & a Learner's Permit...

No, that's not Jack's new car... it's Laura's. * That is, however, a learner's permit in Jack's hand. Now that he is 15, he is behind the wheel. He hasn't scared his Dad - yet (it's hard to scare a former flight instructor) -but I'm sure the time will come.

* The decade-old minivan is gone, and a Saturn Vue is in its place, thanks to "Cash for Clunkers" - a ridiculous government program that at least allowed us to get some of the money back the federal government is busy stealing from us. Yay!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Captain Jack!

Jack just turned 15 this week, and he has been waiting patiently for a trip to the DMV to get his driver's permit... but it had to wait, because he was attending the last week of sailing camp at the Lake Calhoun Sailing School, near downtown Minneapolis, along with his good friend Kanad Gupta.

This wasn't a great day for pictures of Captain Jack, sailing the 420 class sloop-rigged vessels, because the wind was pretty calm. But most days for the past three weeks found him hoisting a spinnaker and demonstrating his knowledge of sloop racing on this beautiful Minnesota lake.

This is the same school at which little brother Luke attended for a 2-week camp earlier this summer.The wind was calm enough that the crew resorted to towing the boat toward the mark... and Jack resorted to the age-old art of "sculling" - essentially using the rudder as a paddle...